Cyber Security – Protecting your business-critical assets

The complexity of the IT systems running today’s digital business is rapidly increasing, steadily redefining the threat landscape. As Internet connected systems are often the primary attack surface for an organization, their security plays a crucial role in safeguarding business critical assets.

Maverick’s cyber security assessments aim at identifying vulnerabilities present in the code and implementation of digital business, independent of underlying technologies and third-party products.

Top Cyber Security Risks

If the most recent security incidents are any indication, no industry or individual is immune to cyber-attacks and these attacks continue to become more sophisticated and show no signs of slowing. Some of the most common cyber risks are:

  • Loss of brand value, intellectual property and/or stock market
  • Recovery and response cost
  • Regulatory inquries and litigation
  • Breach of customer data privacy
  • Service and business interruption

Our cyber security services include:

  • Building Cyber security framework
  • Cyber security Policies and Procedures
  • Vulnerability assessment and evaluating insider threat
  • 3rd party risk, cloud and mobile security
  • Malware / Ransomware attacks prevention
  • Security and Awareness training
  • Incident response and Business continuity evaluation
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